Toys For Tots Golf Tournament
Toys for Tots

Benefitting Toys For Tots Campaign of the Shoals

September 4, 2021

0700 – Check In, Mulligan & Power Drive Sale
0830 – Shotgun Start

Blackberry Trail Golf Course
Clubhouse Dr, Florence, AL 35630
Get Directions

Hole in one, longest putt, longest drive and 3 closest to the pin
1st flight, 2nd flight, and 18th place winners

Entry Fee:
$300 per team – includes green fee, cart, range balls, beverages and lunch
Make checks payable to – Marine Corps League Det#1477
Include team member names with check and mail to –
Marine Corps League Golf Tournament
139 Cox Creek Parkway
P.O. Box 172
Florence, AL 35630


What We Do

The Marine Corps League is proud to support our Marines in many areas. We have 10 Divisions covering 48 Departments, and over 1,140 Detachments in communities across the Country.

Marine Corps League Florence 1477